23 billion visits to just one porn site in 2016. Has your child visited a porn site yet? Check out these statsā€¦
Aug 26, 2021
Originally posted 26/01/2017
Ask yourself - What messages does porn teach about sex? How might this affect sexually inexperienced young people?
Internet porn sends a message that males have entitlement over females bodies and that females should just 'take it' or do what ever he wants. It is not a matter of 'if' but 'when' your child will view such internet pornographic images.
Parents, click here for access to lists of free resources to help you have essential conversations with your children about human sexuality and porn. It is never too late to start these conversations. Nor is it too early conversations about safe technology use; these conversations need to start when children have access to the internet.
- Porn sends a message that porn sex is real sex and that if you speak up about it or disagree, then you are a prude or not interested in sex.
- Porn has replaced intimacy & pleasure with penetration & performance.
- Porn sex is overwhelmingly degrading, violent, fake and harmful to normal human sexuality function.
- Porn sex is inaccurate. The two main sexual organs of the body are the brain and all of the skin, not just genitals, anus and mouth. Outercourse not intercourse gives humans the best sexual pleasure.
Parents, click here for access to lists of free resources to help you have essential conversations with your children about human sexuality and porn. It is never too late to start these conversations. Nor is it too early conversations about safe technology use; these conversations need to start when children have access to the internet.
If you are in Australia, I can come to your school.
Have a look at these statistics below on Pornhub usage in 2016. Remember, this is just data on usage of one porn site in one year.

This just shows that so many people are seeking out porn. So before your children develop their own understanding of porn and have that impact their journey exploring sexuality, start these conversations and get them thinking about the reality of porn and the importance of consent and respectful relationships.